Meet the PT: Jennifer O’Gara

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What's your role at PTW Newtown Square and how do you help support our clients and patients?

I am a part-time Physical Therapist supporting patients by providing quality care.

What’s your greatest moment — whether in work, school, business — so far?

It is so rewarding when someone tells me I am the first PT that actually has helped them.

What's your favorite thing about your job?

Helping real people learn about their bodies and how to help them heal. 

What was the moment when you decided PT was your calling?

When my mom had her stroke at age 48, I decided to pursue a career in physical therapy.

How is this experience different than any other PT experience you have had?

The connection to the fitness world and working around like minds with similar goals!

What motivates you in life?

My family.

Who do you love to follow on Twitter or Instagram and why?

I follow Dr. Perry Nickelston with Stop Chasing Pain and Dr. Emily Splichal (EBFA) – I consider both of these people to be pioneers in this industry and look outside the box to determine the cause and how to correct/repair the body.

Where can someone find you on a day you're not at the clinic?

In my car running around doing errands/kids activities, or home doing laundry + cleaning.

What’s the best book you’ve read recently?

Pretty Girls by Karen Slaughter.

What’s one thing you can’t live without?

My kids.

Book a session with Jennifer below!


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