Meet the PT: Joe Bertucci


Today we’d like to introduce one of our stud Physical Therapists, Joe Bertucci. Joe is a brilliant, caring PT that always puts his patients and clients first. Let’s meet him!

What's your role at PTW Newtown Square and how do you help support our clients and patients?

I am a staff physical therapist with focus in functional movement, return to sport programming, golf therapy and performance, McKenzie treatment of neck and back pain.  I work with each patient to determine their goals and construct a program to help them improve their quality of life and reach their desired level of function.

What’s your greatest moment — whether in work, school, business — so far?

I was able to work with a middle-aged patient who suffered a fall a few years prior and had since had gradual decrease in her function to the point she was unable to stand out of a chair under her own power.  After several weeks of PT she was able to stand out of a chair herself.  She was so excited she was moved to tears and it really is a special moment for me to illustrate how much maintaining independence and mobility can mean to people

Want to make an appointment with Joe? Email us below!

What's your favorite thing about your job?

I really enjoy the variety of people you get to meet.  You get to work with the patient that just wants to be able to walk 2 blocks to the local market as well as a high level athlete who wants to return to peak performance.

How would your 10-year-old self react to your current career at PTW Newtown Square?

10 year old Joe would think it’s an awesome clinic with all the equipment and space.  He would probably get into trouble messing around with weights and equipment he shouldn't be on at 10 years old but nonetheless would definitely enjoy the space.  Outside of a college weight room or high-performance gym there is not another space like it, certainly not a PT clinic.

What was the moment when you decided PT was your calling?

I got injured at the end of a regional ID camp playing for the New Jersey State soccer team.  I was selected to move on and compete for a spot on the Regional team which consisted of 16 states from Maine to West Virginia.  However, it was only 3 weeks from the end of the ID camp.  I went to PT consistently those 3 weeks and was able to attend the regional team camp which would not have been possible without the work of the PT.  I saw first hand the benefits PT can have and was hooked from then on. 

How is this experience different than any other PT experience you have had?

The interaction between the PTs themselves and the PTs and performance/strength coaches is awesome.  Everyone is always sharing ideas, giving new points of view, and always challenging themselves to optimize results for the patient.  There is such a commitment to making sure we are reaching every goal the patient has set and we have the facility and team to make it happen.

What motivates you in life?

I am motivated to always be improving and trying to be the best I can be professionally as well as personally.  I try to be the best husband and (soon to be) father I can be for my family. I also want to be able to leave the clinic each day feeling like I did the best I possibly could to address my patients’ needs.

Who do you love to follow on Twitter or Instagram and why?

I only have an instagram but love following accounts of golfers and accounts that break down golf swings.  In the past few years, I have really gotten into the sport and the biomechanics of golf.

What’s your favorite piece of technology?

I’ll take the easy answer and say smartphone. It is so useful in staying organized and has so many uses between work and home that I use it constantly.

What’s the one app or gadget you think needs to be invented?

A self-cleaning shower would be amazing.  It is my least favorite chore that always sits on my honey-do list.

Where can someone find you on a day you're not at the clinic?

Either on the golf course in the summer or snowboarding in the winter.

What’s the best book you’ve read recently?

I read Emotional Intelligence 2.0 which was recommended by a former boss of mine.  This individual was the best active listener and communicator I had seen and it was great to see how he used the insights from this book in his day to day interactions.

What are your podcast recommendations?

I like Stacking Benjamins which is a personal finance podcast with a light and humerous twist.  It’s something I think people don’t get enough education about and it’s been a helpful resource.  Also of course the On Q Performance Therapy Podcast is an excellent listen for athletes, weekend warriors, and healthcare professionals!

What’s one thing you can’t live without?

My lovely wife Alexandra who always keeps me grounded and is the most wonderful wife I could as for.

Ready to make an appointment with Joe? Email Melinda at the front desk below!


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