Meet the Trainer: Jamie Weiss


What's your role at PTW Newtown Square and how do you help support our clients and patients? 

I’m a Certified Personal Trainer at the Physical Therapy Wellness Institute of Newtown Square.

I help my clients achieve their personal fitness goals by creating individualized exercise programs tailored to achieve success and create wellness in their daily lives. 

What’s your greatest moment — whether in work, school, business — so far? 

Academics has always been very important to me. I left a pastry industry job to fulfill my degree in Exercise Science and my ACSM Personal Training certificate to pursue a career in health and fitness. Additionally, I recently obtained my certification in Kettle Bell Training.

My greatest professional moment was watching my very first client’s transformation which was achieved by his dedication to the program that we designed together based on his wellness goals and objectives.  

What's your favorite thing about your job? 

I love being a part of my clients’ fitness journeys. Watching them progress towards their goals makes it very enjoyable to wake up and start my day.  

How would your 10-year-old self-react to your current career at PTW Newtown Square? 

She wouldn’t believe me! Although, she would be extremely ecstatic to know how happy I am with the career I have chosen and my passion to help others every day.

What was the moment when you decided Personal Training was your calling? 

Before turning 30 I lead a sedentary lifestyle other than working in a bakery as a lead cake decorator, I was on my feet all day. I develop a lot of muscular weakness that caused daily pain and I had some pretty inconstant health habits. 

I decided I wanted to work with a personal trainer at a local gym to assist me with strength and wellness goals, because I had no idea where to start to achieve my goals. I mean, no. idea. It was the greatest investment I made for myself. Over time I lost some body fat and gained muscle mass, I learned new movement patterns, my overall strength and endurance increased, and my stress levels decreased and my sleep quality improved. 

Within this period of time, I also had rotator and labrum repair surgery from the repetitive nature of my job tasks working as a cake decorator. With my physical therapy team and through the exercises my trainer provided me after I was able to return to the gym, I was able to move forward with improved movement, function and strength with the decrease of pain. I couldn’t have done it all by myself, I had a great team backing me up, but I was also so proud of all the hard physical and mental work I had done to improve my shoulder and my other goals I set out for myself. It really made me feel like I could achieve anything I wanted to. 

I finally felt like I was moving with purpose. I wanted someone else to feel this way. I became passionate about helping others who was to incorporate wellness, fitness and healthy habits into their life, no matter what level of fitness there are currently at. 

What motivates you in life? 

To move with purpose; live life with intention rather than living in a state without direction and value habits, ensuring that time is spent contributing to a person’s success and happiness, including my own.

Who do you love to follow on Twitter or Instagram and why? 

No one person in particular, I enjoy looking at food and fitness related content. 

What’s your favorite piece of technology? 

Definitely my apple watch, because I use it daily as a tool to train and communicate with my clients.

Where can someone find you on a day you're not at the clinic? 

In my kitchen cooking or outdoors enjoying nature. I love to go on hikes!

What’s one thing you can’t live without? 

My loved ones, my furry companion named Cora, and the past experiences that helped me get to where I am today.

Interested in increasing your fitness? Book a session with Jamie below!


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